Hopefully you will have found quite a lot of useful information within the web site but, given reasonable notice, trustees, our fund raiser or some of our MSc or PhD scholars could attend meetings to explain more of what Kent Cancer Trust has done and what it is striving to achieve with its current projects.
You may possibly wish to be more directly associated with a particular project than just making an overall donation to Kent Cancer Trust. We are quite prepared to enable a company or club to sponsor a particular project and to ringfence those funds so that they are only spent on suport for that project. Just ask us.
We also have interior and exterior banners that can be borrowed to help create knowledge of our charity and can provide leaflets and newsletters. Our current flyer can be found here.
Please contact our Fund Raiser in the first instance to explain what you would need and when you would want it. (contact details are on the Help the Fund Raiser page).